Update on Team Issues

14 May 2019 by Keith mackay


It’s been a tough season for the boys and coaches with the lack of players making it challenging organising fun interesting coaching sessions.

Even with the problems the boys have been successful and won most of their games. A credit to them certainly.

In the last few months we have been advertising for new lads to join us without any joy at all.

Training has become a real problem with hardly any lads turning up, even when they are marked as attending. Sickness can’t be helped and at least we got notice but when we have prepared a training plan and lads don’t appear without notifying we have to rethink at last minute. That has happened a lot recently and what then happens is the lads who are there lose interest and start mucking around and not paying attention or putting in any effort. Again tonight we finished early as boys weren’t trying. Very frustrating for coaches.

It has also been very difficult organising Sunday’s games because some parents don’t update the App until Friday. We are often having to send out extra text messages to chase people. With so few boys we really need your support so that we know if we have enough players to set up the game.

The intention between now and the end of the season is to try and arrange more training matches against the 2008s for Tuesdays. At least the boys keep fit and put some effort in. Friday Training is finished due to poor attendance.

Re us playing at 11 aside after the summer that is starting to appear very unlikely due to lack of boys so we will have to start giving this some thought about what we do.

End of season treat for the boys needs some planning with 4 games left. Any ideas give me a shout. Possibly a return to the outdoor LaserQuest at Eskbank followed by food maybe. Possibly afternoon of Sunday 9th after away game v Lochend.

Just some points for discussion. Happy to chat through at the games or after training.

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