Crossroads - Follow Up

31 May 2019 by Keith mackay

I’ve tried to speak to most of you re Team problem around numbers.
I went along to see Penicuik play an 11s Match last night and had a chat with the coaches.

We will not have enough players to register a team and train through the summer. We would have to wait till September and hope that players from other teams join us. All of the other teams are already playing friendlies at 11 aside and they plan to play through the summer.

Penicuik have 22 players and have 2 players joining them from Peebles. They want our lads to join them as well so that they have 2 strong teams, one for League 2 and one for League 3.

They have good structure and training facilities with 4 coaches. They train as one group on Mondays and Thursdays. 1830-2000hrs. I plan to take Danny up to train with them this Monday to see what he thinks of it.

If any other lads fancy giving it a look if you mark up in comments and I can organise transport to take them up as a group.

Unfortunately after our final home game on 9th June I don’t foresee our team surviving past the summer so it makes sense to have a look at other teams so that our lads don’t waste their talent and continue with fitness training.

If it does mean a move to Penicuik if there are a few lads going we can share the transport duties for training.

Sorry to have to bring this news but I feel it makes most sense and for my own lad Danny I am keen to try and keep him playing competitive football.

If any other parents want to try and keep team running for next season I would help as much as possible to pass over the reigns.


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